
Sister MicheleCrop“A rip roaring fun ride! GARGOYLE BOB has everything going for it and could easily become a franchise blockbuster.”

— Michael J. Hein, Founder of the New York City Horror Film Festival.

Check this section for updates on any type of media format that we may attempt for Gargoyle Bob. We’ll push how far our written words can go, so watch for updates on book and graphic novel versions of our story. In the meantime, we’ll post any media content that may excite us and just seem too cool to keep under wraps.

At this point, most of the amazing things come right from Ted Boonthanakit’s artwork (images and video animatics). You just have to check out the full-sized image of a Sister of Jeanne d’Arc that Ted just finished. But who knows what may be next? A web comic, TV series, trading cards, video games, polystone statues…

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